
alcohol dehydrogenase中文是什么意思

  • 乙醇脱氢酶,乙醇去氢酶,酒精脱氢酶



  • 例句与用法
  • Alcohol dehydrogenase an enzyme that converts ethanol into acetaldehyde ( ethanal )
  • Distribution of genotypes of alcohol dehydrogenase 2 and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 in japanese twin children
  • One of these , called alcohol dehydrogenase , turns the alcohol molecules into another chemical , acetaldehyde
  • Effective because it has a much greater affinity for alcohol dehydrogenase than methanol . a blood ethanol concentration of 100 mg / dl ( 22 mmol / l ) will almost completely block methanol metabolism ( jacobsen & mcmartin , 1986 )
  • The acetaldehyde dehydrogenase ( acdh ) and alcohol dehydrogenase ( adh ) of the adhe mutants and parent strain were assayed with a result that the acdh activities of mutants were less than 10 % of the parent strain and the adh activities of mutants are about 10 % of the parent strain
    6个adhe ~ -突变株的乙醛脱氢酶活性均降低为亲株的10以下,乙醇脱氢酶活性降低为亲株的10左右; 4个ldha ~ -突变株的乳酸脱氢酶活性均降低为亲株的7以下。
  • The genes encoding pyruvate decarboxylase ( pdc ) and alcohol dehydrogenase ii ( adh ii ) were amplified from total dna of zymomonas mobilis by pcr . the genes of adhb andpdc were inserted into expression vector pse380 and then transformed into e . coli dh5a . the recombinant strains were induced to express adh ii and pdc with iptg
    本论文以zymomonasmobilisdna为模板, pcr扩增zymomonasmobilis中的乙醇脱氢酶基因( adhb )和丙酮酸脱羧酶基因( pdc ) ,分别构建表达质粒pse - adhb和pse - pdc并在大肠杆菌dh5中表达。
  • The tested isozymes included esterase ( est ) 、 superoxide dismutase ( sod ) 、 malate . dehydrogenase ( mdh ) 、 malic enzyme ( me ) 、 glutamate dehydrogenase ( gdh ) 、 peroxidase ( per ) and alcohol dehydrogenase ( adh ) . there were obvious differences between the normal strain and its degenerative strain in est 、 mdh 、 me 、 sod . the zymotype were the same in the other isozymes . the results were not only used to test the degenerative strain at young stage , but also as the theoretical base to study the genetic mechanism of the degenerative strain
  • They contained an antisense constructed for the spruce gene encoding ccr ( cinnamoyl alcohol dehydrogenase ) , an enzyme of monolignol synthesis . the antisense rna method is a technique for reducing the expression of a resident target gene . the transgenic sublines were produced by particle bombardment at the dept of forest genetics , swedish university of agricultural sciences
  • Activity of alcohol dehydrogenase and phenylalanine ammonia - lyase varied during the blooming of jasmine flower . the non - specific esterase isozymes were isolated by different methods . two enzyme stripes were gained with page ( polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ) method , while eight stripes were obtained with ief ( isoelectrofocusing ) method
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
alcohol dehydrogenase的中文翻译,alcohol dehydrogenase是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译alcohol dehydrogenase,alcohol dehydrogenase的中文意思,alcohol dehydrogenase的中文alcohol dehydrogenase in Chinesealcohol dehydrogenase的中文alcohol dehydrogenase怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
